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Consultation Hotline:+86-024-88043523
Special ex-proof Industry lift - 沈陽偉宸起重設備有限公司
Special ex-proof Industry lift - 沈陽偉宸起重設備有限公司



Special ex-proof Industry lift

Views: Pubdate:2024-03-28 Type:Enhancement Description:?Suitablefordrilingplatform,oilgasterminal,mineandtheothermoistureandh...
Product Details

Suitable for driling platform, oil gas terminal, mine and the other moisture and high protection requirements ofexplosive environment.

 ● Ex-proof grade is of Exd II Ct4

 ● Explosion-proof box obtain international IEC-EX certificate.

 ● Do normal operation under ship swing +10°left/right in 10 seconds), +7.5(front/back in 7 seconds).

 ● VVVF frequency control with high efficiency, power saving, stable starting and smallmechanical wear

 ● Adopt energy feedback device with high, energy saving.

 ● ABS certificate for whole machine.


Consultation Hotline: +86-024-88043523